"(Paul) reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus. And this continued for two years, so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus"



Who we are

We are Wijneke and Alexandre Kanri. In 2011, we married in Togo, where Alexandre was librarian and also pastor of our church here, the 'Church of Grace in Christ in Togo' (L'Eglise de la Grace en Christ du Togo, EGCT)... During our first 5 years in Togo, we welcomed Neline (now 9 years old) and Niek (almost 8 years old) into our family. In 2016, we returned to NL/BE for Alexandre to study Theology at the Institut Biblique in Brussels. Since December 2020 we are back in Togo where we now serve the EGCT as missionaries. We are affiliated with the English missionary organisation UFM Worldwide


What we do

Since April 2018, we have officially joined the English missionary organisation UFM. Thanks to financial support from NL, England, and Belgium Alexandre is now able to serve the church full-time. He is an elder in the congregation of Agbonou-Kpotamé, organises study days for his fellow EGCT elders and teaches at the church's Bible Institute. In addition to his work in the EGCT, he recently became Togo's representative of the organisation Acts29, an international network supporting churches in church planting work. Wijneke is busy with housekeeping, supplementing Neline and Niek's african education at home, learning the local language, Ewe and welcoming the many visitors to our home.


Our goal

  • We serve the small denomination EGCT (The Church of Grace in Christ of Togo). We pray that, with God's help, we may help this church to grow in knowing and serving its Head, our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Alexandre aims to further develop the Bible Institute (Institut Biblique Théologique Tyrannes) of the church.
  • We also aim to make good Christian literature available.
  • Alexandre is the national representative of ‘Acts29’ an organisation that aims to stimulate and support church planting.

present situation


  • Together with pastor Amedome Alexandre pastors the Kpotame congregation in Atakpamé.
  • He regularly meets with the other elders (of the 3 EGCT churches in Atakpame) and organises study days with them to share with them the knowledge he gained himself during his Theology training in Brussels....
  • He also teaches at the church's Bible Institute and aims to further devlope this Institut.
  • Lastly, Alexandre recently became the Togo representative of the organisation 'Acts29'; an organisation that aims to promote church planting.


Besides running an african home and daily supplementing Neline and Niek's scholing, Wijneke regularly does one-to-one Bible studies with the women who come to help us do laundry. She also tries to learn the local language Ewe, and encourages the women from the congregations.

what we believe

  • That God's way of furthering His Kingdom is through the establishment of living churches.
  • That these congregations can be beacons of Light when nourished by Bible-believing preaching in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • That we are totally dependent on God's help
  • That your prayers are essential for us and the expansion of God's Kingdom here in Togo!


Those wishing to receive regular prayer-points and updates from us in Togo can sign up for the WhatsApp mailing list by sending an app to Wijneke (+316 17192857) (please mention your name in first app)

Supporting us...

Our church in Togo can not support us. If you are considering supporting us, please click the link below for more info.

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