Visitors from the UK and Holland!

We look back with gratefulness when we think of everyone who came to visit us, over the summer months. From the UK we welcomed William Brown, from UFM. What a blessing it is to be able share about what we endevour to do.....not over phone or via zoom, but live! William was able to visit a Sunday service, he attended the reading group on Sunday afternoon and he met many of the other EGCT elders. It was a real blessing to be able to discuss, hear feedback, answer questions and pray together!
From the Netherlands we welcomed Kevin and Jaccoline, (also a Dutch-Togolese couple) and their two children. We welcomed Danielle and her daughter Rosaline. Danielle also was married to a Togolese, but her husband Kim, died, almost 6 years ago. He was coverted to Christ in Holland from a Muslim background. Danielle remains in contact with his family in Togo and we pray others from his family will turn to our Saviour. Finally Helena, (Wijneke's friend since primary school) stayed with us for 13 days.
What a huge blessing to be able to catch up 'live' for a while!!! To be able to strengthen talk together about essential matters, to be allowed to strengthen one another's faith and to share our present concerns and worries with each other! As icing on the cake, we were able to enjoy theTogolese countryside and discover new places and beautiful nature. We look back with much gratitude.